Tuesday 8 July 2014


Now I for one do get spots...
I sometimes feel a little bit self-conscious about leaving the house or going to school, but then again so do a lot of people. However everybody will get a spot in their life time,everybody is different. Don't panic if you wake up one morning and you have a spot on your face! Trust me when you look at it you probably think it's huge and everybody will notice,but sometimes people cant even notice, they have to focus on your face to even find 1! It's only because you know it's there that it looks huge!

I've tried nearly every face wash and brand that there is on my face,however I have sensitive skin and find it hard to find a wash that dose not t make my face dry?!  Recently I have been using Johnson face and skin care facial wash. I would really recommend this product if you get quite a lot of oil on your skin or if it gets dry. It helps lock a lot of moisture into your skin and keep it looking fresh all day it also lowers the appearance of oil on the skin.

Make up covers spots and might help you feel a bit more confident. A lot of people say that wearing make up causes spots and makes it worse, however I believe if you wear make up it is fine as long as you wash it off before going to sleep.

I really hope my  blog has helped anyone who feel  self-conscious about their skin and how it looks and anyone who suffers from bad spots!

Daisy Chain

Thursday 22 May 2014

long time...

Sorry it's been a long time, but for some weird reason I lost my confidence to write another blog...
This feels really weird writing this but... Hopefully I will start to upload again. My plan is every week if I get enough people reading my blog I will upload and hopefully in the future do a Q&A... Tell me what you think...?

Hopefully we will talk soon...

Bye xx

Tuesday 22 April 2014

April Top Ten...

I have recently been loving a lot of beauty and everyday items,so I thought I'd share them with you. You can buy these items from any local drug store like Boots or Asda ect...
These are my April Top Ten...

1. Nivea 2in1 cleanser and toner. (£1.99)
2. 'Charlie Chic' body spray.(£1.00)
3. Colour sensational lip pen/stain from Maybelline.(£3.45)
4. Garnier Ultimate blends,Shampoo&Conditioner. (£3.99)
5. Carex Strawberry Laces scented soap.(£1.00)
6. Cadburrys Mini Eggs. (£1.00)
7. Babyliss Hair Curling Tongs. (£15-£20)
8. Lynx Girls attract body wash. (£1-£1.99)
9. Superdrugs own Eyelash curler. (£1-£2.50) 
10. Garnier Pure Active face wash. (£3.00)

I hope you have enjoyed reading this blog and got some new ideas to buy...

Talk soon


Hiya guys!

So one day I randomly sat in my bedroom and said to myself "lets make a fashion blog"... At first I was quite reluctant to make one but then I thought 'why not'... So here it is I guess... 

So this blog is about Fashion and life style I guess....

(P.S. I'm not an expert on this stuff so it should be interesting to see what kind of stuff  I come out with,heheh).